Project Results and Outcomes
With the final meeting, the NANOFORART project has come to the end, however the website will be still running at least for the whole 2015, in order to remain as a reference point for scientists, restorerers and conservators interested in NANOFORART results, products and outcomes.
In order to have a brief overview on what has been done during the 3 years of the project, please download the final compendium.
More news to follow, stay tuned!
Final Meeting and Workshop Pictures
The Final Meeting of NANOFORART took place two weeks ago in Venice and involved all the project's partners. It was the occasion to discuss the results of the project and to present them to the EU officer.
The internal meeting was followed by a public dissemination event, during which more than 40 end-users had the opportunity to learn more about the products developed during the 3 years of the project.
If you didn't have the chance to participate to the Final Workshop, take a look at the pictures that were taken during the final events:
Final Meeting Video
The Final Meeting of NANOFORART took place two weeks ago in Venice and involved all the project's partners.
The internal meeting was followed by a public dissemination event, during which more than 40 end-users had the opportunity to learn more about the products developed during the 3 years of the project.
If you didn't have the chance to participate to the Final Workshop, take a look at the video we made during the final events.
Piero Baglioni's Interview on the NANOFORART Project
Read the full interview released by prof. Piero Baglioni, coordinator of NANOFORART, to the Research EU magazine, published by CORDIS. In the interview Baglioni answers several questions on the project, its aims, findings, outcomes and future perspectives.
The huge impact that nanoscience had on the field of conservation of cultural heritage is well highlighted at pages 7-8 of the magazine.
Here you can download the pdf version of the magazine.
NANOFORART Final Workshop - Important Update
In order to guarantee the best organization of the Final Workshop of the project, it is important that we have an updated list of participants. Therefore, whoever is planning to attend to the workshop, please write to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and confirm your presence.
(Those who already confirmed their presence don't need to write us again, thank you.)
The event will take place on the 28th of November 2014 in the Auditorium Santa Margherita, University Ca' Foscari, Dorsoduro 3689, in Venice (Italy).
The participation to the workshop will be free of charge and all the talks will be given in english.
To ask for more information, please do not hesitate to write us.
Here you can download the flyer of the workshop, where you can find the detailed programme of the event.