IPCE - School of Conservation of Archeological Wall Paintings
The Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España - IPCE organized a school on conservation of archeological wall paintings, having the following title:
La Conservaciòn de la Pintura Mural en Sitios Arqueològicos - Problemàtica y Estrategias de Intervenciòn
The School will be directed by Margarita Gonzàles Pascual and Teresa Valle Fernàndez and will be coordinated by Rocìo Salas. The lessons will be held in the Monasterio de Santa Marìa la Real in Najera, La Rioja (Spain), on 6th-8th of May 2014.
The registration to the school is now open. Please follow this link.
Besides IPCE members, scientists from other Nanoforart partners will contribute to the lessons with their experience in the field. In particular, Dr. Rodorico Giorgi (CSGI) and Dr. Laura Filloy (MNAH) will present some aspects of their work.
For further information, please download the complete program of the school.