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NANOFORART Brede Workshop

The National Museum of Denmark is a partner in the EU-FP7 research project NANOFORART which focuses on the use of nano-materials in the preservation of cultural heritage. The National Museum has contributed to the project by testing systems developed for conserving wall paintings.

In order to disseminate the knowledge gained in the NANOFORART-project and to communicate possible advantages of utilizing nano-materials in wall painting conservation we will organise a workshop on the premises of the National Museum in Brede June 12, 2014.  The workshop will deal with the consolidation of wall paintings with “nanolime” and the removal of degraded polymeric consolidants from wall paintings  with the aid of micro-emulsions and hydrogels.




9.30-10.0 Welcome, coffee

10.00- 11.30 Introduction to nano and nano-materials for conservation

11.30-12.30 Nano-materials for wall paintings I, cleaning

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.300- 14.30 Nano-materials for wall paintings II, consolidation

14.30 -15.30 Demonstration of materials in the lab

15.30- 15.50 Discussion among the participants

15.50 -16.00 Conclusion


Tutors: Dr. David Chelazzi, CSGI (Research Center for Colloids and Nanoscience) Florence; Isabelle Brajer, Nationalmuseet;  Mads Chr. Christensen, Nationalmuseet.


There is no fee for participation.  The number of participants is limited, so register as soon as possible, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


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