NANOFORART Conferences in Mexico City
Next week several conferences about NANOFORART project will be held in Mexico City. The conferences are organized by the MNA, with the contribution of the Instituto de Fisica de la UNAM and the Laboratorio National de para la Investigacion y la Conservacion del Patrimonio Cultural (LANCIC).
Scientists and conservators involved in the project will illustrated the results obtained during the three years of NANOFORART project, which will end next month.
Here is the list of the events:
- Nanotecnologia aplicada a la conservacion de los Bienes Culturales - 20th October 2014 - Insituto de Fisica de la UNAM, auditorio Alejandra Jaidar, Biblioteca.
For more detailed information, download the flyer
- La Nanotecnologia aplicada a la limpieza y control de pH en pintura de caballete, el papel y el pergamino - 21th October 2014 - CNCPC, auditorio "Paul Coremans".
For more detailed information, download the flyer
- El Proyecto Nanoforart: Nanomateriales para la conservacion de Bienes Culturales Muebles. Avances y perspectivas - 22th October 2014 - ENCRyM, Sala de Consejos.
For more detailed information, download the flyer
- La Nanotecnologia aplicada a la conservacion de documentos de papel y pergamino. El proyecto NANOFORART - 23th October 2014 - CNCPC, auditorio "Paul Coremans".
For more detailed information, download the flyer
- Las tintas ferrogalicas: identificacion, degradacion y estabilizacion. Nuevos resultados - 23th October 2014 - ENCRyM, Sala de Consejos.
For more detailed information, download the flyer
- Los documentos nos cuentan su historia. Tecnicas de analisis no invasivas para la caracterizacion de materiales - 24th October 2014 - CNCPC, auditorio "Paul Coremans".
For more detailed information, download the flyer
Please note that all the conferences will be held in english.