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NANOFORART Workshop - El Conocimiento de las Nanoparticulas en la Conservacion de bienes culturales



The Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE) organized a workshop entitled:


"El Conocimiento de las Nanoparticulas en la Conservacion de bienes culturales"


The workshop will take place on the 30th of September in Madrid, Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte, Auditorio de la Secretaria de Estado de Cultura.


 The program of the workshop is reported below:


09:30 - Presentacion y apertura (Alfonso Munoz Cosme - Subdirector General del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de Espana)

10:00 - Nanotechnology applied to Heritage: the NanoforArt Project (Piero Baglioni - Director del CSGI de Florencia)

11:30 - Possibilities of nanoparticles on protein support (Marianne Odlyha - Directora del Programa de Ciencias Fisicas del Birkbeck, University of London)

12:30 - Innovative treatments for the conservation of cellulosic material: the deacidification process (Giovanna Poggi - Investigadora del CSGI de Florencia)

15:30 - Desacidificacion en papel: experiencia del IPCE en el proyecto NanoforArt (Emma Sánchez - Restauradora del IPCE)

16:30 - Uso de geles en tratamientos de limpieza: nuevas perspectivas con geles fisicos (Nicole Bonelli - Investigadora del CSGI, Florencia)

17:30 - Limpieza en papel: experiencia del IPCE en el proyecto NanoforArt (Carmen Pena - Restauradora del IPCE)




Foro franco-mexicano para la Investigacion y la Innovacion Tecnologica



In the framework of the Foro franco-mexicano para la Investigacion y la Innovacion Tecnologica, held in Mexico City (12th July 2013), some of the results obtained in the frame of NANOFORART project about nanotechnology applied to art conservation have been presented to the audience.

Here is reported the title of the contribution presented during the congress:


"La nanotecnologia aplicada a la Conservacion de Pintura Mural y Documentos graficos en el Museo Nacional de Antropologia" (Talk)




INART '13 - Evora, Portugal



During the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology - INART'13, held in Evora (11th - 13th July 2013), some of the results obtained in the frame of NANOFORART project about cleaning and deacidification of works of art have been presented to the audience with two talks.

Here are reported the titles of the contributions presented during the congress:


"Hydroxide nanoparticles for pH-adjustment and inhibition of iron-gall ink corrosion of paper" (Talk)

"Highly retentive hydrogels based on semi-IPNs of p(HEMA)/PVP for the cleaning of water-sensitive cultural heritage" (Talk)


For further information about the meeting, please refer to the official website.



XLI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Fisica



During the XLI National Congress of Physical-Chemistry (Italian Chemical Society), held in Alessandria (23th - 37th May 2013), some of the results obtained in the frame of NANOFORART project about cleaning and deacidification of works of art have been presented to the audience with one talk and three posters.

Here are reported the titles of the contributions presented during the congress:


"Surfactant-based systems for the ceaning of works of art: Structure and cleaning mechanism" (Talk)

"New formulations of calcium hydroxide nanoparticles for the deacidification of cellulosic artifacts" (Poster)

"Chemical semi-IPN hydrogels for cleaning of paintings" (Poster)

"Carbonation of Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles for the consolidation of wall paintings. A kinetic study" (Poster)


For further information about the meeting, please refer to the official website.



NANOFORART MidTerm Meeting

The NANOFORART MidTerm Meeting has been just held in Bruxelles, in order to discuss the projects results after a year and a half of work. The precious contribution given by all the partners was carefully evaluated and the main guidelines for the following research were established.

The meeting provided a unique opportunity to assess the progress on application of innovative nanomaterials for cleaning, consolidation and pH control of works of art. On site applications and treatment of real objects are providing positive results, while the constant interactive expertise exchange between many different restoration and research professionals has proven the key for the continuous refinement of formulations and applicative protocols so to overcome limitations.

Overall, the first half of the project has produced encouraging results that lay the basis for the challenges that lie ahead.

Take a look at the photogallery (Ph: Lucia Noor Melita) of the MidTerm Meeting.


(Prof. Giulio Pojana holding his conference at the MidTerm Meeting.)


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